Welcome, Health & Wellness Coaches.

You are here because, you want to share with the world your gifts, talents and passion. You believe that health is wealth and wellness is our birthright.

You also want to impact the world positively by offering your unique skills and talents in a way that improve lives.

Ultimately, you want to book out your wellness coaching business, grow your business to impact even more people whilst enjoying more time and income freedom.

My Mission

To empower women in their wellness businesses, to help them thrive personally and professionally so together, we can make even more of a positive impact on the lives of others. Together we can expand the wellness community, contributing to a healthier and harmonious world.

"I feel like we have established a solid foundation for my business with a "rinse and repeat" strategy for creating connections and conversations that lead to signing clients."

Helen, Fertility Coach, New Zealand 


Picture this:
You get paid well to do work that brings you freedom, purpose and fulfillment.

It's not a far-fetched dream.

In fact, I know firsthand that it's possible, because I'm living it.

I'm currently working fully remotely, travelling South East Asia, I have full control over my schedule.

I take time out to prioritise my fitness & wellbeing. I get to have coffee/go for beach walks with friends whenever I want, go on meditation retreats without having to ask for permission.

I work with dream clients who truly appreciate me and the work I do.

And the best part for me is that I get to run my profitable business wherever I want.

This for me is my
WHY - having true freedom in life whilst impacting the world positively.


I know that by sharing my knowledge on how I made it happen to empower even more women to experience true freedom in their lives.

Combining my 15 years corporate marketing experience, with my passion for wellness, I'm here to help you confidently and effortlessly launch, grow and thrive in your wellness/life coaching business. I have the tools, strategies and guidance (from my own wellness coaching. business) to support you every step of the way.

You are here because you are ready to stop striving and start THRIVING in your wellness/life coaching business. You are overwhelmed by all the things that you have to do to create a successful business.You are tired of posting content on social media that is not converting.You don't have a game plan and you are done throwing spaghetti on the wall to see what sticks

You are ready to sign high value health/wellness coaching clients and have more time and income freedom in your life.

Client Testimonials

When I signed up to work with Elina in her program, I was three and half months into working on my business full time.

I did have an idea of who my target audience was, but I hadn't signed a single client. I felt like I was spinning my wheels. We set to work; further clarifying my ideal client, where to find them and what to talk about in my marketing. She supported me to do market research and get to know my ideal client on a deeper level.

I signed my first client around week 7 of her program. She supported me through the emotional challenges that comes with starting a business for the first time, held me accountable for taking action and celebrated my wins.

I feel like we have established a solid foundation for my business with a "rinse and repeat" strategy for creating connections and conversations that lead to signing clients. Elina's business experience helped me to stay on track, focused and navigate my way through making decisions.

Her marketing expertise helped me to dig deeper with my messaging, make it relevant for my target audience and stand out from the crowd. Her mindset work helped identify my blocks, patterns, limiting beliefs and negative self-talk that could lead to self-sabotage.

I have more awareness now when those things show up and strategies to reframe those thoughts. Thank you, Elina, for setting me up for success!


Helen Power

Fertility Naturopath

Being coached by Elina is like having a compassionate, incredibly knowledgeable, and wise best friend rooting for me in my corner.

She goes above and beyond what I had expected to help me expand my coaching business and serve more people in a way that feels most aligned and alive for me.

I felt supported every step of the way, not just in my business, but also in my personal challenges and uncertainties. I felt like she understood me on a very deep level, and so the trust was easily built from the very beginning.I realized how critical mindset was for my growth and success.

Together with Elina, we uncovered limiting beliefs that were keeping me from expanding in the way I truly desired.

Elina also helped me navigate challenges such as disappointment, imposter syndrome, procrastination, and perfectionism, so that I could embrace more of who I am and my unique gifts.

Together, we honed in on who my dream client is, where I can connect with them, what value I can provide, and how to have authentic conversations with them. I now have a structure that allows me to be consistent with the different aspects of my business as I continue to grow, including coaching calls, messages, content creation, and admin.

I have been signing more clients since I started working with Elina and feel like what I'm doing now aligns with my passion, skills, and gifts. I am enjoying the process, leaning into my growth edges, and trusting myself.

Thank you for guiding me through this journey of serving others in a way that honors their deepest transformation.


Ruth Li

Burnout Coach

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